HK Language
外  語  導  師  網  (香  港)
English tutor, Mandarin tutor & other language tutors database

HK Language Tutor provide a platform for students to find English tutor, Native English tutor, Putonghua tutor, Mandarin tutor, Japanese tutor, Korean tutor, French tutor, German tutor, Spanish tutor, Italian tutor, Russian tutor, Cantonese tutor and etc. Language tutors can also place tutor advertisement free of charge.
2024-09-19 7:27am  

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About Us

Welcome !

HK Language was founded in 2007. It provides a platform for students and parents to find a suitable language tutor or native speaker easily. e.g. English tutor, Oral English tutor, Native English tutor, Putonghua tutor, Mandarin tutor, Japanese tutor, Korean tutor, French tutor, German tutor, Spanish tutor, Italian tutor, Russian tutor, Cantonese tutor and etc. So as to learn English, Putonghua, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Cantonese. Or they may place teaching jobs on our website.

Meanwhile, Language tutors can also place tutor advertisement on our website free of charge. They may find teaching jobs on our website.

English tutor, Mandarin tutor
English tutor, Mandarin tutor


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